You can find all <b>current</b> server config options and their meaning here. - SCP:ET Official Wiki
Server Configuration

Badge Definition
Indicates that the value of the config should not be modified by the server maintainer.
Indicates that the config has been recently added (either added less than 10 days ago, or added less than 3 non-beta builds ago).
Indicates that the config is either unused or planned for removal.
Indicates that the config has been removed from the non-beta branch.
Indicates that the config is only available on a beta branch of the game.

This tag may also include the word "CLOSED" or "OPENED".
"CLOSED" - Private beta
"OPENED" - Public beta
Indicates that the config is not yet present on any branch, beta or non-beta, and will be implemented in the future.

General Settings

Key Type Default Value Description
Int N/A This value is used by the game to determine the current config version, you should not change it manually as this might cause conflicts with server and config versions.
serverName String "Unknown Server" The name of the server, will appear on the serverlist (if enabled) and on the lobby
ServerIp string auto Determines the IP the server is hosted on, or "auto" to automatically find it.
port Int 27015 The port the game server will run on Only applicable for Dedicated Servers
maxPlayers Int 16 The maximum ammount of players that can be in the server at the same time
serverPassword String Empty The password that a player will need to enter when joining the server (Empty Means disabled)
randomMap Bool true If true the map will be randomly generated
mapPath String Empty If randomMap is set to false and mapPath is set to the path of a map file the server will use this map file
respectGameBans Bool true If players that failed to authenticate should be kicked. Eg: Game banned or Invalid authentication ticket if set to false the Server or lobby will NOT be visible on the serverlist (if enabled)
publicServer Bool false If true the Server or Lobby will be visible on the serverlist respectGameBans must be true and the serverName must not be set to its default value
lobbyStartType Int 0 0 = The round will start once the ammount of players is equal or more than the value set in the minPlayers setting and if the time set in roundStartTimerTime has passed
1 = The round will start once enough players have voted for a roundstart
2 = The round will start once the host or a player with the admin.startround permission presses the 'Start' button
minPlayers Int 2 The minimum ammount of players that have to be in the server before the roundstart timer starts running lobbyStartType has to be set to 0 for this to have effect
roundStartTimerTime Int 20 The minimum amount of time (in seconds) that has to pass before the round will start lobbyStartType has to be set to 0 for this to have effect, timer will only start once the playercount is more or equal to the value set in minPlayers
roundEndTime Int 10 Determines the amount of time between the round ending and automatically restarting.
startVotingPercentage Int 75 The percentage of players that has to vote before the round will start
doorsOpenChance string auto Determines a chance of a door to automatically open upon spawning. This config only applies to LCZ doors that do not have a keycard level.
deathChatMessage bool True Determines whether or not a chat message will be shown when someone dies.
deathSoundEffect bool True Determines whether or not a deep bass vibration sound will be played to all players when someone dies.
chatFilterBlockedWords string list ["someRanDomfiLterEdword"] If a chat message contains a word in this list the message will not be sent, caps are ignored
blockPlayersWithDefaultName Bool false If true players that have the name Guest will be kicked This is only for non steam builds
ServerInfoPastebinId String Empty The pastebin id that will be used for the serverinfo get a pastebin id at This is required for public servers
Bool False Determines whether or not certain items will respawn throughout the match.
enableTeslaGates Bool True Determines whether or not tesla gates are enabled.
noHolidays Bool false Determines whether or not holiday updates (april fools, christmas, etc) will be disabled.
ReportingEnabled Bool false Determines whether or not in-game reports can be submitted via a discord webhook.
ReportWebhookUrl String Determines the webhook to use for reports.
ReportWebhookAvatarUrl String Determines the avatar of the webhook to use for reports.
ReportWebhookNickname String Server report Determines the name of the webhook to use for reports.
ReportWebhookMessageContent String Determines the content of the webhook to use for reports.
ReportWebhookEmbedDescription String Player has been reported Determines the embed content of the webhook to use for reports.
String list [] Detemrines a list of tags for the server. Users can search for specific tags.

Auto-Restart Settings

enabled Bool false Determines whether or not the auto-restart system is active.
restartTime Integer 1800 Determines the amount of time for a round restart to occur.
restartAnnounceInterval Integer 200 Determines the amount of time to wait in between announcing the restart time.
restartAnnounceFormat String The round will restart in %SECONDS% seconds. Determines how the round restart message is displayed. %SECONDS% is replaced with the actual amount of seconds.

SCP-106 Settings

enableFemurBreaker Bool true Determines whether or not SCP-106 can be recontained using the femur breaker.
minSpawnTimer Int 240 Determines the minimum amount of time in seconds between SCP-106 spawns.
maxSpawnTimer Int 480 Determines the maximum amount of time in seconds between SCP-106 spawns.
followTimer Int 60 Determines how long SCP-106 will chase after his targets before giving up and retreating.

Pocket Dimension Settings

damageInterval Float 1.0 Determines the interval at which damage is taken in the Pocket Dimension.
damagePerInterval Float 0.1 Determines how much damage is taken per interval.

SCP-294 Settings

enabled Bool true Determines whether or not SCP-294 can be interacted with.
disabledDrinkFlags String list [] Determines drink flags (categories) that will be disabled. Valid categories include: 'Generic', 'Chemical', 'Nongeneric', 'Scp', 'Deadly', 'Healing', 'Dream', 'SpeedBoost', 'Bleed', and 'Multiplier'.
disabledDrinks String list [] Determines a list of drinks that are disabled. The list will accept drink names (not case sensitive).

SCP-914 Settings

affectPlayers Bool true Determines whether or not SCP-914 will ignore players inside. Players will still be teleported from intake to output regardless of this setting.
recipeOverrides String list [] Determines a list of SCP-914 recipes, formatted as Setting:InputItem:OutputItem. Recipes in this list will add to (and override) any default SCP-914 recipes. The word "none" can be used to specify an input item that gets destroyed.

To make level 3 keycard go to a level 4 on Fine:

To make a Gasmask get destroyed on 1:1 as opposed to turning into a Radio:

SCP-939 Settings

baseDamagePerBite Float 20 Determines the minimum amount of damage SCP-939 will deal per bite.
randomDamage Float 20 Determines the amount of damage that can be added randomly to the base damage (on a scale from 0 to the provided value).

BodyInfo Settings

enabled Bool true Determines whether or not bodies can be interacted with to receive a name and cause of death.
displayName Bool true Determines whether or not the name of the user will be displayed.
displayCauseOfDeath Bool true Determines whether or not the body's cause of death will be displayed.

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